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Limited downtime hysterectomy is a minimally invasive procedure that removes a woman's uterus, or womb. The procedure is designed to treat common gynecological conditions such as:

  • Fibroids - benign growths in the uterus

  • Menorrhagia - excessive menstrual bleeding caused by hormonal changes, fibroids, infections, or diseases

  • Endometriosis - tissue that appears outside of the uterus that causes pelvic pain and infertility

  • Pelvic Support Probems - the uterus falls from its normal position and descends into the vagina

  • Cancers of the uterus and cervix


Understand the Procedure

The procedure is done using advanced technology, such as Laparoscopy, which is the insertion of a micro camera through a small incision in the abdomen. This ensures the patient has minimal pain, scarring, and recovery time. The downtime associated with this type of procedure is about 1-2 weeks and the patient is able to go home right after surgery or stay overnight for only one night. The cervix, ovaries, and fallopian tubes may also be removed during the procedure depending on the patient and their existing condition.


Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy (LSH)

LSH is the removal of the uterus using laparoscopy, but leaves the cervix which reduces your risk of uterine prolapse and other complications. Tiny incisions are made in the navel and abdominal regions to insert the laparoscopy to assist in the procedure process. The uterus is then separated from its pelvic connections and the cervix and removed through one of the incisions. General anesthesia is given before the procedure begins at one of the two hospitals Dr. Meadows works with. Patients typically spend only one night in the hospital and are back driving in a week. The patient may feel abdominal discomfort, shoulder pain, nausea, or tiredness for several days following surgery which is why pain medication is given to the patient right away. Women who have a history of cervical dysplasia, endometriosis near the cervical region, or large uteruses should not have this procedure done.


Laparoscopically Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy (LAVH)

LAVH is the removal of the uterus and cervix through an incision made in the vaginal region. A laparoscope is also inserted through a tiny incision in the navel and abdominal region to assist in the removal of the uterus and cervix. This allows the abdominal contents to be carefully examined during the procedure. If the patient desires their fallopian tubes and/or ovaries to be removed, then this procedure allows them to do so. General anesthesia is given before the procedure begins at one of the two hospitals Dr. Meadows works with. The patient typically stays overnight in the hospital for one night only and can resume their normal lifestyle after 2 weeks.


Make sure to talk with Dr. Meadows and his staff about all of your options and which procedure is best for you.



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